This morning, a guy came by with an estimate on what it would take to install solar panels on our house. Even after all of the various incentives, it would cost $16,000 dollars. Eek. Still, it's worth putting some thought into. It's interesting that the only tactic the guy used to convince me was the financial one. I already new that switching to solar wouldn't save us much money in the short term, and I'm okay with that. The main reason I'm interested in finding out more is because I think switching to solar power is the right thing to do, morally and environmentally speaking. The guy didn't mention that at all. Ha. It's not all about the money, Mr. Guy.
I also finally got around to contacting an accountant to deal with my dad's final taxes. I couldn't get hold of the accountant (recommended by the paralegal I'd been working with earlier this year) by phone, so I went down to her nearby office, only to find it close and locked. I tried the phone again, and this time got hold of her and set up an appointment for next week. It feels good to finally make some progress on this front (the delay was partially because I didn't have all of the 1099 forms until relatively recently, and not being able to find the time or energy due to work). I'm glad there are accountants in the world, because I have no interest in having to deal with mountains of mysterious paperwork. I might change my tune after finding out how much this accounting work will cost, but for now I'll be grateful. Again, it's not really about the money though. It's about getting it done and putting it behind me.
Now, Jeanine is out getting Eva, and I'm getting a start on writing some CD/record reviews for my other blog. I would have to start with a 3 hour box set, wouldn't I?
Currently listening to: Eleni Karaindrou "Mousiki Gia To Teatro 1986-2010"
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