Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rain is sweeping back over the Bay Area today. It started yesterday, and I've been enjoying listening to it spatter against the roof.

Despite the energizing weather, I've been spending an aimless weekend, listening to music and reading and feeling like I should be doing something more. I'm not sure why I sometimes feel this way - that relaxing isn't enough. I start to feel guilty when I spend too much time inside. I am, after all, an outdoor educator who spends much of his time trying to get kids outside. I guess I could read outside today, but my book would probably get wet.

Then again, this might just be an ebb in my energy cycle. I'm not manic depressive or anything like that, but I notice that my energy and inspiration levels seem to fluctuate. It is often tied in with the weather, with energetic weather seeming to generate similar energy within me. Maybe the ebb can be explained by the Springlike weather of the last week or two.

Currently listening to: Yob "The Great Cessation"


Prettylittlecrow said...

John, I just wrote about this sort of holing-up a week or two ago. It is always a battle to be a book-lover in the dark of winter as nature tells us to retreat anyway. My 9 year old combined library and hibernation to call it 'librihibernation'. Moderation in librihibernation is such a struggle, isn't it?!

Same 9 year old and I have taken to Letterboxing too! I love that it gets us back outside and unafraid to touch things that are on the ground,shoved in stumps, buried in leaves... I do hope you've carved yourself a little crow stamp to leave behind!


dr silence said...

Librihibernation - I love it! I just finished "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek" by Annie Dillard. I think you might like it.

Somehow, I'm not surprised that you've taken up letterboxing. We did a bit of that yesterday, and although the one we were searching for was no longer there, we had a great time scrabbling in the dirt and splashing in the nearby creek (it's like Summer down here right now!). I haven't yet carved a crow stamp, but my signature stamp is a crow footprint. I've only planted one letterbox so far, and the stamp inside is of a cat reading a book (which brings this comment full circle, doesn't it?).

All the best,