Friday, December 17, 2010

My first day of vacation coincided with the onset of a cold. My throat was sore this morning, but that has now morphed into a runny nose and general malaise. Because of this, I've spent the afternoon drinking tea and reading, which is something I often do anyway. I just do it less guiltily when I'm sick. Illness: the new cure for guilt.

Last night, I felt fine. Jeanine and I went and saw Om in San Francisco. On the way there, I discovered that the miles of brake lights winding through the hills of highway 280 look like a lava flow if you squint your eyes just right. It pays to be easily amused.

Our new tradition of being on top of a certain nearby hill on Solstice morning might be thwarted by rain next week. Perhaps we'll still do the doughnut shop part of the ritual though.


Prettylittlecrow said...

Solstice! Eclipse! Naturally, I think of you. This year we're at a ski cabin, so I've promised myself to snap in cross-country before sunrise and head across the meadow. Perhaps I'll see some wildlife.

Between the late night for the eclipse and the early morning for the solstice, tomorrow's going to be a day for good coffee and napping by the fire!

Love seeing the things you've written here recently. I'd so many blog emails about whether I'd died off, that I finally posted up that I still exist. Glad you still exist, John, and I hope that you are feeling better. Happy, merry everything, as well!

x ~L

dr silence said...

Happy Solstice, Lorelei!

I hope you managed to see both the eclipse and the sunrise. The clouds cooperated down here for both. I already had coffee, and I'm wishing I had a fireplace about now. Blankets will have to do.

I'm glad you still exist too, and I'm glad that you broke blog silence long enough to at least post a photo. Looks like you're having fun.

It sounds like you're having a good holiday season. Ski cabin! Happy holidays to you as well, and I hope you're enjoying good coffee and a warm fire.
