Yesterday, as I sat in my dead van while vultures circled overhead, I took a moment to reflect on how lucky I am.
For one thing, I had vultures to look at. I don't usually see Turkey Vultures circling over residential neighborhoods, yet there they were, lazily circling above me. Also, the timing of my breakdown was perfect. It could have happened the day before when we were down in Monterey at the aquarium, or earlier in the morning, before I'd driven Willow to her first day of school. As it was, I had nothing planned for the remainder of the day, so it was a perfect time for something to go wrong.
It's all about the timing. Things are always going to go wrong because that's the way life is, but they are always somehow less wrong if the timing is right.
Now, with more time and money passed under the bridge, all is well again.
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