Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer is over, its end marked by the exodus of kids out of swimming pools and off of lawns into new classrooms, where they are no doubt fidgeting in the confinement of their chairs.

I'm in the middle of a couple of weeks off. I haven't found a teaching job, so I'll be going back to working nights when outdoor school starts up in mid-September. My plan, for the time-being, is to pick up some work as a substitute teacher while hanging onto my night position. This will give me more classroom experience and expose me to a larger number of teaching styles and classroom plans.

I haven't been writing here much, mostly because summer camp wipes me out, and also because I'm in the middle of a novel reading and movie watching streak. As usual though, with summer once again fading into an idealized memory, I feel the urge to renew my efforts to just get on with things. It's a good feeling, and I feel that I've had a well earned break for the last few months.


Prettylittlecrow said...

Happy September, John!
As I read about your summer today, I saw the similarities between a death and a divorce. At least the similarities between our responses.

Also, thanks to you, I tried Blenheim's. And Wheee!, it made me hop up and down and shake like a dog! LOVE, Love it!

I do hope that you are well. I think of you when I get excited about the dramatic fall weather coming.


dr silence said...

Happy September to you as well, Lorelei!

I hope you're enjoying your sabbatical. The healing process does seem to be pretty universal, doesn't it? It seems to have the same distinct steps regardless of whether the trauma is caused by something unthinkable or something relatively minor. Or maybe we're just similar in the way we deal with what life throws at us.

I'm glad you liked the Blenheim's. I love your description of your reaction to it. Reaction to Blenheim's must be another universal constant. Ha.

As for the Fall weather - I'm glad we share in the excitement it brings. I'm getting sick of bland, eighty degree days down here. I hope your present weather is more interesting than that.
