I've enjoyed the nearly constant pattering of rain on the roof for several days running now. I've been under the weather (so to speak) and hence under the roof since Saturday, feeling sniffly and achey. In fact, I didn't set foot outside on Sunday at all.
During that time, I finished reading one novel, read the entirety of a second, and started a third. I watched a couple of movies too. By Monday, I felt better, and I've managed to crank out quite a bit of schoolwork since then. I seem to get things done in bursts of energy, interspersed with periods of inertia. There are times when I find it hard to get down to business. I wouldn't exactly chalk it up to laziness - it's more to do with the state of my mind lately. I've got a lot on my mind. I've been in a super-reflective state of being, and I find myself picking at the same emotional scabs from different angles, testing them with the fingernail of my intellect to see if there has been any healing underneath, and finding some of the wounds still raw, while others have a fresh layer of pink skin sealing in the hurt, defending against infection.
Following that train of thought, the walls of my personal fortress are still in place too, and the gate is barred. This too is in reaction to being hurt, and who knows how long the walls will stand this time?
As for the real walls, the ones in my apartment. I've spent and inordinate amount of time between them over the last few days (I'm off work this week, and there's no school either), and it makes me feel like a cave dweller. There's a certain comfort in that. Even without the computer, I have enough in the way of entertainment (both productive and otherwise) to last for months. I can get most of my schoolwork done this way too. Still, I get crazy if I stay inside too long. I'm an outside kind of guy.
On the bright side, other than buying groceries, I haven't spent any money since the middle of last week (if one doesn't consider electricity and gas usage). In fact, considering that I finally sold the aquarium, there's been a net gain.
Currently listening to: Silver Summit "Apple Tree"
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