There is a library near my apartment, and I've been meaning to go check it out for months now. Yesterday, in keeping with my present determination to do things now rather than later, I took Willow over to have a look around. It's a nice little library, with two stories full of stories. We had a look around, I read a book to Willow, and we checked out a stack of books and movies. Willow wanted more, but I set a limit because I knew we'd never have the time to make our way though too big a stack. Besides, I didn't bring any sort of bag to carry them all home in.
Later, I read her How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Before bedtime, she asked where Dr. Seuss was buried. I told her I wasn't sure, but with a little help from the internet I discovered that he'd been cremated, like our friend Sea Turtle who had requested his ashes be scattered out at sea.
This morning, on the way to school, Willow grumbled that she wished Dr. Seuss had a grave so we could go visit him. I told her that the best way to visit him is to read his books, because that's where his mind and heart are. She thought about that for a moment.
Looking up at me, she asked, "well, can we go out on the ocean and look at his mist?"
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