Saturday, December 13, 2008

There's a storm moving in from the north today. It rained last night, with more slated to follow. The air is biting cold, and the leaves are leaving the trees in massive flurries. Willow and I ran around the park earlier, grabbing up big handfuls of leaves and watching them whip away in the wind. We could see them forming drifts against the houses across the street.

It feels good to be outside. It cleans out the cobwebs that form when I sit in front of the computer for too long.

Speaking of which, I'll end this post here.


Prettylittlecrow said...

Atta teacher! I couldn't agree more. The part about the listening really gets to me.

Enjoy your weather. I always like the dramatic days. Reminds me that the earth is living.

dr silence said...

Thanks, Lorelei,

I've always been a fan of dramatic weather too. Give me a good storm over a calm day any time!

Prettylittlecrow said...

Agh! I don't know whether to be embarrassed or thrilled (or embarrassed)that you commented. In my blog defense, I was heavily assisted and mostly agreed in order to share PNW pictures. It IS funny though that one letter was plenty revealing a few weeks ago and now my big face is plastered on the internet! I think I'll go remove that now!

I wanted to say thanks for the comment. Also, having read your work for some years, I have noticed you to be somewhat stingy with the exclamation marks. Imagine that, you rely on a more skillful writing style. In fact, some of your funniest posts lacked those marks. For example, the apocalypse of spray on mud or the fighting fish named Zen. Yet, I see three in your comment today. I'll take this as genuine encouragement!

I personally try not to write too many words in a row, lest people see how unskilled I am. And enthusiasm!!!! is something I have a bit too much of. It killed me to put a period at the end of that sentence!

Ramble, ramble. So, thanks for the noticing; I feel a little starstruck.
BE well,