Monday, May 07, 2007

Jumping Spider

Jumping Spider, originally uploaded by Corbie.

One of my co-workers found this little critter in a box (or at least used a box to transport it over for the rest of us to see it), so I figured I'd take some pictures of it. Of course, being a Jumping spider it jumped off my hand and right through the hole in the knee of my pants. It took me about ten minutes to get it back out of my pants. In fact, I finally had to take my pants off and gently shake them to make the spider reappear.

Later, a Calisoga spider left my hand and disappeared somewhere. I don't think it's in my pants. Calisoga spiders don't mess about. They bite.

Anyway, I got a good photo out of the experience. Now that I've figured out how to crop things I can increase the macro effect too.

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