Monday, November 14, 2005

And all of a sudden it's halfway through November. The evenings are perfect, with orange and pink clouds glowing in the sky. Tonight the moon, one day short of full, seemed to have an ethereal helmet of cloud as it ascended.

The weeks run together. We blazed a few new trails during the all day hike last week, sliding down muddy hillsides and pulling trash out of a section of creek that I hadn't previously visited. This week, like last week, the students are all from catholic schools, the names of which all begin with Saint this or Holy that.

The weekend was quiet. Jen went up to Berkeley with her mom on Saturday while I watched Willow, who is experimenting with underwear. She's still got a way to go, but she did manage to use the little potty a couple of times. The other times she used the floor. It's a start, anyway.

Sunday we lazed around the house.

I'm starting to stress about how much work I will get during the month of December. Our other site shuts down at the end of the week, and that means only the so-called "permanent" employees are guaranteed work. The "full-time-part-year" people like myself are only there as needed. We'll see how it goes.

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