Thursday, February 10, 2005

More student journal entries, from opposite ends of the spectrum:

The stars gazed down on a shuffling line of students as they whispered in the night. Stories of pirates and night vision. They thought of stars, sparking sweets, and lonely candles. Holding shoulders in a massive caterpillar they weaved through the trees. The stoic redwoods gaze solemnly down on the asorted people milling through the duff.
All on a late, winter night.


Jason, and Daniel were kind of freaked out. I was joking around about the chainsaw masacar and I got in trouble.

I'd rather have students like the author of the first entry above, but I have a feeling that it's people like the second author who really need the experiences that our program offers. Both of these entries were reflections on the night hike we went on last night, which is not ever a time to joke about the chainsaw "masacar" because most of the kids are already extremely nervous about being in the woods at night without flashlights. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't specifically told people not to try to freak each other out.

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