Monday, August 02, 2004

The girls outnumber the boys 6 to 1 in this week's camp, so you'd think things would be a little calmer. Not so. The girls seem to delight in trying to climb me and the camp aide, or jumping on our shoulders when we least expect it. The boys seem a little dubious about being in a camp of mostly girls. Water is the main focus of the week, so we did the introductory stuff today, with detours to look at newts and millipedes and frogs - all which can be easily linked to the subject at hand. Then again, so can anything living.

The littlest girl kept belching really loudly, as if trying to make up for her lack of height with sheer volume.

I had a flat tire this morning which defeated my bicycle pump. Time to throw the pump away. It leaks worse than the tire does. That's what I get for using it to pump up car tires for the last decade or so. This is only as a last resort. If I have any of that "fix-a-flat" stuff, I use it. I would have thought that this particular tire was filled solid with the stuff by now. No such luck. Perhaps I'll actually go get it repaired tomorrow.

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