I have a cold. I hate that.
Now, not only do some parents pick their kids up late from camp, but one dad brought two kids 25 minutes early, right in the middle of our prep time. He asked if he could leave them at the table, to which both I and the camp aide replied that he couldn't. He left them anyway. That shows a considerable amount of disrespect, if you ask me. It doesn't matter if he's late for work either. I took the kids into the center so that somebody could watch them until we were ready for them. The lady who runs the office got right on the phone and laid down the law to whoever was on the other end. I'm not sure if it was the mother or the father. I'll bet he doesn't try that stunt tomorrow. It's always nice to have merciless office folk do your dirty work.
Later, I found myself on the campus where I went to college. I wanted to check out their career center for job postings. For a mere 25 bucks, I can now check it out online. It was strange, though, being back there. I walked past the concrete bench where I had been sitting when the '89 earthquake happened. I remember that day quite well. I had been drinking a slurpee and got knocked on my ass when I stood up in surprise.
Ah, memories. The campus looks much better now. All of the construction that seemed to be constantly interfering with my walks between classes has been completed.
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