Wednesday, June 30, 2004

It's strange not having to go to work tonight. It just feels like the weekend. I'm sure I'll get used to it though.

I'm too tired to really enjoy the extra time tonight, but am looking forward to days to come. We have great plans to whip the house into shape and get organized around here. And while we're doing that, I'm going to be hunting for a job. I think I'll have to take the same approach to job hunting that I take when I play music or draw - don't worry about the outcome, just do it. It's so easy to get wrapped up in worry, and when that happens the endeavor suffers.

Overheard in the Early Childhood Center at the museum today, as a little boy played with the new plastic dinosaurs: "This one's killed. It goes in the killed pile."

The scorpions are rattling around in their cage, no doubt annoyed that I dragged them with me to not one, but two jobs today. I took them to science camp because they tied in with the "living fossils" theme I had planned for the day, and then on to the museum afterwards. They've been around for roughly 400 million years, which predates the dinosaurs by over 150 million years, and outlasts them by another 65 million. It's kind of comforting to share our room with such a successful lifeform. It is possible that the trick to their longevity as a species is that they haven't changed much. Of course, by that reasoning, one might infer that the human race is doomed.


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