Here's an amusing list of Google searches that led to my page, and some short, smartass responses:
-People in which country have baboons as pets to wait on their tables. (hmmm...)
-solis hair dryer crap (huh?)
-being a paperboy (not for much longer!)
-brown recluse bite time lapse (mmmm. necrotic wound!)
-how many people watch reality TV? (too many)
-fundamentalist wackos (is there any other sort of fundamentalist?)
-blog, it is currently pouring outside, thundering, lightning, im scared (don't worry, it'll be okay... unless the lightning hits your house and burns it down, or the rain triggers a flash flood or an avalanche or large pools of quicksand...)
-millipede folklore (hmm. Interesting...)
-harness diaper plastic pants home government (I don't even want to know...)
-ideas of trashing neighbors house toilet paper (back when I was young, you didn't have to look this sort of thing up - you just went out and did it. May I recommend unspooling old cassette tapes all over their yard? It worked for me once.)
-i have live in an apartment with centipedes and want to know where they are comming from (if by "comming", you mean "communicating", then I suggest you get a psych evaluation. If you mean "coming", then, well, I'd have to guess THEY'RE COMING FROM OUTSIDE!)
-Pictures of people with tetanus (...will make you go get a tetanus shot. It worked for me.)
-recommendation how to get away frow drugs (groovy upside down "m", man)
-andrew chalk law 2004, and andrew chalk over edges (I haven't been over edges with andrew chalk, but I did once hang out in a redneck bar in Austin with him, until I decided to go to the diner across the parking lot because I don't drink and don't particularly care for rednecks. I didn't know he had his own law though.)
-gnome outfit (try The Gnomery for every conceivable type of gnome paraphernalia)
-dropping out of society artist living (ah, utopia!)
cds I listened to while now only having 22 delivery days left: Amebix "Monolith", Eleni Karaindrou "Trojan Women", The Ass Baboons of Venus "Spanking the Species", Pink Turds In Space "The Complete Pink Turds In Space", and Jim Jones and the Kool-ade Kids "Trust Me..."
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