Thursday, April 22, 2004

I love it when something happens that makes you feel young again. Jen, Willow, and I stopped at the crafts store to get some pencils of various types and some fixitive so my charcoal drawings don't smudge. You could hear Willow throughout the store as she decided that she wanted stuff. While we were in line I noticed that the elderly lady running the register next to us was giving me the hairy eyeball. I figure it was because I was wearing a shirt depicting a couple sitting on the ground, with the woman telling the man, "actually, I like crap." Perhaps the social commentary there was lost on her. Or maybe she figured I was one of them pot smoking hippy types. Who knows. I just know that when you can get people older than yourself to glare at you for the way you look, it makes you feel young again.

The moon was a thin crescent tonight, and I saw a cat sitting on top of a fire hydrant. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

cds I listened to while looking somewhat offensive: Tara Jane ONeil "Bones", Sol Invictus "All Things Strange and Rare", Electro Hippies "The Only Good Punk...", Stone Breath "A Silver Thread to Weave the Seasons", and Steven Stapleton - David Tibet "The Sadness of Things"

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