Last night, the forecasters didn't mention rain, and it rained. Tonight, they predicted rain, and it didn't. Instead, we got a night that was a bit foggy around the edges, but not foggy enough to be really interesting.
We managed to get the house looking pretty good today in preparation for calling the landlord to come fix one of our toilets. I even moved all of the arthropods into our bedroom, since the landlord doesn't know they reside here. Most landlords would be understandably upset upon finding out about a tenant's pet cockroaches. I probably wouldn't even get a chance to explain the difference between my cockroaches and the ones who live under refrigerators and eat questionable things found in the vicinity of the bathroom. I also, in all likelihood, would not get a chance to explain that the large scorpion is not dangerous. That's why they're all back in the bedroom with me.
Outside, the various bulbs are coming up along the walkway. There's even some grass starting to grow in the backyard.
cds I listened to while waiting for the rain that never came: B'eirth's Pscikadilik Psyrkuz II "Further Adventures of Wile and Wilder", Tony Wakeford "La Croix", Kirile Loo "Lullabies for Husbands", Libana "Fire Within", and Elliot Goldenthal "Frida" soundtrack (w/ Lila Downs!)
Now: Montserrat Figueras/La Capella Reial de Catalunya/Jordi Savall "El Cant de la Sibil-la 1"
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