Saturday, January 06, 2024

Endings and Beginnings

 My first photo of the year was the New Year's Day sunrise as seen from Jetty Road at Moss Landing as we waited for AAA to come and deal with a flat tire on my friend's car. It must be noted that I also managed to lose my lens hood somewhere in the soft sand, the softness being the primary factor that made me miss the sound of it dropping from my lens. Despite this inauspicious beginning to the year, it was a beautiful day. Hidden in the photo above are some Brown Pelicans. While there, I counted 1433 of them as they commuted from east of Highway One toward the ocean. I'm sure there were more. I also must note that, in addition to the issues related above, we were in the wrong place for a planned rendezvous with our Christmas Bird Count group. Eventually, our problems were solved, and we joined the count. I ended the day seeing 91 bird species. 

The year dawns. Will I write much here over the next twelve months? Time will tell.