Six hours from now, the new year begins. It's this arbitrary thing we humans do to mark time, and in the long run, it means very little. Still, if there ever was a year that needs to be mentally put in a box labeled "history" and shoved to the back of a drawer somewhere, it is 2020. Generally speaking, being a hopeful species, we expect 2021 to be better. Odds are it will be. The petulant child we've been saddled with as president for four long years is set to leave the White House in three weeks. Vaccines are starting to be distributed. Life continues for most of us.
My list of personal grievances this year is shorter than it might have been. There has been uncertainty, a collapse of a bathroom wall, and the usual litany of deaths and disasters that accompany our lives. I miss my daughter, who I haven't seen much lately due to us taking this pandemic seriously, but as they say, this too shall pass.
Happy New Year. May we continue to find inspiration.