Yesterday was the Autumn Equinox, and tonight will be just slightly longer than today. I've been back to work these last couple of weeks, getting ready for eventually working with kids again. Our first day with kids is now slated for October 12th, and we'll be in distance-learning babysitter mode for the mornings and early afternoons, and hopefully getting some time to take the kids hiking after their "school days" are over. As with so much else this year, we're heading into uncharted territory.
I've more or less finished my field guide project, and spent this morning helping clean and organize the nature lab. Each animal now has a dedicated "evacuation cage" if we have to evacuate them again. Did I mention that? We had to briefly evacuate them during the worst of the local fires. It was just a precautionary measure, but still... the fires did get a little closer to home this year. For many, it did much worse, of course.
We have a new bird bath with a solar-powered fountain bubbling happily away in the yard. The birds have so far mostly ignored it, other than a California Towhee giving it a double-take before flying away.
On Sunday, I went for a walk at the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant ponds. I took photos too, of course. Here are a Northern Harrier and a White-faced Ibis.