It's a rainy Sunday in January after a rainy week at work dealing with a tree hitting a power line and knocking out our power and finding out that the backup generator is broken, witnessing a tree hit a kid on the head (fortunately it was a small tree and the kid, after complaining of pain and dizziness, seemed none the worse for wear), and walking into work up the aptly named Heartbreak Hill the day afterward because the road was still full of tree and snapped power lines. The power ended up being completely out for around 23 hours. Some of my coworkers were stuck at work, while others were stuck away from work. We carried on though, and other than being a bit colder and wetter than they might have been otherwise, the kids didn't really even notice all of the chaos going on behind the scenes.
On the flip side of things, the week before I got some (admittedly far off and poor quality) shots of the Bald Eagle that may or may not now live up by the reservoir. Our old director mentioned that she'd seen one up there a couple of years ago, so it might indeed be a return visitor. It's nice to have any sort of wildlife success story (December marks the first time I'd ever seen a Bald Eagle in the area) in our current chaotic day and age.
I've been really getting into birding lately, so this was a bit of a treat. This particular bird was sitting on a branch way up in a tall tree on the far side of the reservoir.
I notice that it has been around 5 months since my last post here. My writing in this format has pretty much ground to a halt, mostly because I burned out and simply got out of the habit of doing this. Consider this an attempt to struggle back into some sort of regular writing schedule. If you don't hear from me for months, it's because I have failed.